Easily manage all your Kinetico products from your smartphone. Access owner’s manuals, maintenance schedules, warranty dates, and details from your phone. Connect directly with your authorized, independent Kinetico dealer.
Access new and popular articles on our resource center anytime, right from our app. Whether you want to stay up to date on trending water concerns in your area or educate yourself on how much water to drink in a day, you can access it with our app.
Reference our owner's support articles at any time. These articles are curated to go beyond filter changing, providing year-round support to every Kinetico product owner.
Monitor all of your Kinetico devices, all from the palm of your hand. Keep an eye on salt levels, softener media life, and filter replacements without having to interrupt the flow of water in your home.
With the app, contacting your local Kinetico dealer is no longer a guessing game. Have your dealer's information ready in the app for any product or service needs.