Fill out your information below and we’ll have someone from our trusted network of dealers contact you regarding a free water test.
A Kinetico Water Softener will provide your family with abundant clean, soft water on demand.
Providing your family with fresh, clean great-tasting water without worry or concern.
Kinetico filters and systems are cleverly engineered to solve your specific water challenges.
We've taken the K5 and made it even better! Now our standard K5 Drinking Water Station comes complete with a VOC Guard filter, protecting you from even more contaminants!
Mike has a Kinetico whole-home water treatment system and reverse osmosis drinking water system installed at his home, and he loves it. Mike has great water quality with Kinetico, and you can too!
Visit the All-New Kinetico Resource Center where you can:
Our water experts put their very best thinking into engineering smarter products to bring families like yours the very best water. That’s why millions of people around the world look to Kinetico for water treatment solutions.
of Kinetico customers are extremely satisfied with their Kinetico system.
Kinetico customers would choose to purchase Kinetico again.
of Kinetico customers are extremely satisfied with their Kinetico system.